Orders - v1


This service, is to set orders that will be used in optimization.


  1. apiKey: In order to obtain your API KEY, first log into logvrp web application and click "Manage API Key" button.
  2. computationTicketID: You will get this using Ticket service.
  3. completeOrderSet: Orders that will be used in the optimization.
    1. OrderSet: Order Set information. Just for information, values are not important.
      1. ID: Station Set ID. You can use 0.
      2. SetName: Station Set Name.
      3. RelatedStationSetID: The Station Set ID that this Order Set was being created on. You can use 0.
      4. OrganizationID: You can use 0.
      5. CreatorUserID: You can use 0.
      6. CreatorUserName: You can use "", empty string.
      7. CreationTime: You can use "", empty string.
      8. LastUpdatedUserID: You can use 0.
      9. LastUpdatedTime: You can use "", empty string.
      10. DataCount: Specify total number of orders that will be passed.
      11. IsDeleted: You can use false.
    2. Orders: This parameter is an array of orders. An order contains the following:
      1. ID: Order ID. An integer. Must be unique in the given array!
      2. UID: User Order ID. You can use "", empty string.
      3. FI: From Station ID. An integer. It must be one of the station IDs given in the Stations service
      4. TI: To Station ID. An integer. It must be one of the station IDs given in the Stations service
      5. LT: Load Type. An iteger. Known values are: 1-Parcel, 2-Passenger, 3-Liquid, 4-Gravel, 5-Frozen, 6-Flammable, 7-Grabage, 8- Garbage, 9-Fragile, -1-CustomType
      6. A: Order Amount. A floating point positive number.
      7. V: Volume. A floating point number.
      8. W: Weight. A floating point number.
      9. LD: Loading duration. Duration as an ISO string, in the format: "PxDTyHzM" where x days, y hours, z minutes. Check: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/#duration
      10. UD: Unloading duration. Duration as an ISO string, in the format: "PxDTyHzM" where x days, y hours, z minutes. Check: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/#duration
      11. T1: Minimum pick-up date and time. Pickup time window begins with this value. A string in the format, "\/Date( t ) \/", where t is the Unix epoch.
      12. T2: Maximum pick-up date and time. Pickup time window ends with this value. A string in the format, "\/Date( t ) \/", where t is the Unix epoch.
      13. T3: Minimum delivery date and time. Delivery time window begins with this value. A string in the format, "\/Date( t ) \/", where t is the Unix epoch.
      14. T4: Maximum delivery date and time. Delivery time window ends with this value. A string in the format, "\/Date( t ) \/", where t is the Unix epoch.
      15. D: Is deleted. You can use false.
      16. Priority: (NEW) Integer. The priority of orders. Higher value means higher priority. It should be >= 0.


Data: Result data
Message: Output message
ReturnCode: Return code of the output. If "Success" is true, then check this value.
Success: If unpected errors, or exceptions occur, this will be false.
success: Same as Success


"apiKey": "your API key here",
"computationTicketID": "your computation ticket ID here",
"completeOrderSet": {
"OrderSet": {
"ID": 0,
"SetName": "",
"RelatedStationSetID": 0,
"OrganizationID": 0,
"CreatorUserID": 0,
"CreatorUserName": "",
"CreationTime": "2012-09-15 00:00:00",
"LastUpdatedUserID": 0,
"LastUpdatedTime": "2012-09-15 00:00:00",
"DataCount": 0,
"IsDeleted": false
"Orders": [
"ID": "-1",
"UID": "ORD-185",
"FI": "-1",
"TI": "-2",
"LT": 1,
"A": 2,
"V": 0,
"W": 0,
"LD": "P0DT0H1M",
"UD": "P0DT0H2M",
"T1": null,
"T2": null,
"T3": "\/Date(1282984200000)\/",
"T4": "\/Date(1282985100000)\/",
"D": false,
"Priority": 0
"ID": "-2",
"UID": "ORD-186",
"FI": "-1",
"TI": "-3",
"LT": 1,
"A": 3,
"V": 0,
"W": 0,
"LD": "P0DT0H1M",
"UD": "P0DT0H2M",
"T1": null,
"T2": null,
"T3": "\/Date(1282986000000)\/",
"T4": "\/Date(1282986900000)\/",
"D": false,
"Priority": 0
"ID": "-3",
"UID": "ORD-187",
"FI": "-1",
"TI": "-4",
"LT": 1,
"A": 1,
"V": 0,
"W": 0,
"LD": "P0DT0H1M",
"UD": "P0DT0H2M",
"T1": null,
"T2": null,
"T3": "\/Date(1282985100000)\/",
"T4": "\/Date(1282986000000)\/",
"D": false,
"Priority": 0
"ID": "-4",
"UID": "ORD-188",
"FI": "-1",
"TI": "-5",
"LT": 1,
"A": 4,
"V": 0,
"W": 0,
"LD": "P0DT0H1M",
"UD": "P0DT0H2M",
"T1": null,
"T2": null,
"T3": "\/Date(1282984200000)\/",
"T4": "\/Date(1282985100000)\/",
"D": false,
"Priority": 0
Content-Type: application/json

"Data": null,
"Message": null,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"Success": true,
"success": true