Updating Vehicles and Vehicle Set
To update a vehicle, the following must be done:
- Open the Fleet Tab in Management Panel.
- Each of the vehicles listed in Vehicle List of Fleet Tab has an Edit Button on Actions
- Click the Edit Button on Actions column of the vehicle to be updated in the Vehicle
List of Fleet Tab.
- Vehicle Details window will appear. In this window, the following properties should
be filled:
- Vehicle Name: This field is automatically filled, but the user can specify it manually.
- Starting Position: The starting position of the vehicle, i.e. the parking position
where the vehicle is located before starting its delivery/pick-up jobs. This must
be a station, either a depot or a customer station. If the starting position of
the vehicle is not depot or any customer station, then create a dummy station for
the vehicle starting position.
- Stopping Position: The stopping position of the vehicle, i.e. the last position
where the vehicle parks after completing its delivery/pick-up jobs. This must be
a station, either a depot or a customer station. If the stopping position of the
vehicle is not depot or any customer station, then create a dummy station for the
vehicle stopping position.
- Active: Specifies whether the vehicle is active for now or not. The inactive vehicles
are not taken into account in VRP solution calculations by the algorithms.
- Capacity (Kg): The capacity of the vehicle in kilograms.
- Load Type: The load types of the vehicle.
- Average Speed (Km/Hour): The average speed of the vehicle in kilometers per hour.
- Oil Cost Per Km ($): The oil cost of the vehicle per kilometers in dollars.
- Fix Cost ($): The fixed cost of the vehicle in dollars.
- Departure Date: The earliest date that the vehicle can depart and start delivery/pick-up
- Departure Time: The earliest time that the vehicle can depart and start delivery/pick-up
- After filling in the form of Vehicle Details window, click "Update Vehicle" button.
- The vehicle will be updated in the Vehicle List in Fleet Tab of the Management Panel.
When a vehicle is updated on the Vehicle List, that is when the vehicle is edited
in the Vehicle Set, it is not updated on the database of logvrp. In order to update
the vehicle on the database of logvrp, the Vehicle Set must be saved after editing
the vehicle. After updating the vehicle, the Vehicle Set must be overwritten when
The following operations update the Vehicle Set:
- Adding a new vehicle
- Updating a vehicle
- Deleting a vehicle
When the Vehicle Set is updated via one of the above operations, the Vehicle Set
is not updated on the database of logvrp. To update the Vehicle Set on the database
of logvrp, the Vehicle Set must be saved by overwrite option in save operation.