Updating Stations and Station Set

The stations or depot have the following properties:

  1. Station Name
  2. Latitude & Longitude: Specifies the geographic coordinates of the station or depot
  3. Address
  4. Active

Station Name, Address and Active properties can be updated by the user directly. The address property is automatically calculated from the underlying GIS, however, user can specify it.

There are 2 methods to update a station of the Station Set:

  1. Updating via the Edit button on Actions column in the Station List grid.
  2. Updating via selecting the station marker symbol on the map.

Note that, no matter by which method the station is updated, it is updated in the Station List and on the map.
To update the station via the Edit Button on Actions column in the Station List grid, the following steps must be done:

  1. Go to the Station List in Stations Tab of the Management Panel.
  2. Click the Edit button on Actions column of the station to be updated in the grid.
  3. Then Station Details pop-up window will appear over the station on map.
  4. Update the properties you want
  5. Close the Station Details pop-up window

To update the station via selecting the station marker symbol on the map, the following steps must be done:

  1. Navigate to the location of the station on the map.
  2. Select the marker symbol of the station to be updated on map.
  3. Then Station Details pop-up window will appear over the station on map.
  4. Update the properties you want
  5. Close the Station Details pop-up window

When a station is updated on the Station List or on the map, that is when the station is edited in the Station Set, it is not updated on the database of logvrp. In order to update the station on the database of logvrp, the Station Set must be saved after editing the station. After updating the station, the Station Set must be overwritten when saving.
The update of geographic location of a station or depot is explained in the section Changing Location of a Station or Depot.
The following operations update the Station Set:

  1. Adding a new station or depot
  2. Updating a station or depot
  3. Changing Location of a Station or Depot
  4. Deleting a station

When the Station Set is updated via one of the above operations, the Station Set is not updated on the database of logvrp. To update the Station Set on the database of logvrp, the Station Set must be saved by overwrite option in save operation.