Updating Orders and Order Set

To update an order, the following must be done:

  1. Open the Orders Tab in Management Panel.
  2. Each of the orders listed in Order List of Orders Tab has an Edit Button on Actions column.
  3. Click the Edit Button on Actions column of the order to be updated in the Order List of Orders Tab.
  4. Order Details window will appear. In this window, the following properties should be filled:
    1. Order Id: This field is automatically filled, but the user can specify it manually.
    2. From Station: The pick-up position of the order, i.e. the station from which the requested assests will be picked up. This must be a station, either a depot or a customer station. In other words, it is the source station for assests to be transported.
    3. To Station: The delivery position of the order, i.e. the station to which the requested assests will be delivered. This must be a station, either a depot or a customer station. In other words, it is the destination station for assests to be transported.
    4. Load: The amount of assests to be transported in the specified load type.
    5. Durations: The loading and unloading durations
      1. The first field is loading duration in hours and minutes in "hh:mm" format where "h" refers to hours digit and "m" refers to minutes digit. Loading duration is the time to pick-up assests to be transported from the source station.
      2. The second field is unloading duration in hours and minutes in "hh:mm" format where "h" refers to hours digit and "m" refers to minutes digit. Unloading duration is the time to deliver assests to be transported to the destination station.
    6. For Pick-up Between: The time limits of the pick-up station. The vehicle can not pick-up in other time than the given time limits. It is usually refered as time window.
      1. The first two fields are earliest date and time to pick-up. The vehicles can not pick-up earlier than this specified time.
      2. The second two fields are latest date and time to pick-up. The vehicles can not pick-up later than this specified time.
    7. For Delivery Between: The time limits of the delivey station. The vehicle can not deliver in other time than the given time limits. It is usually refered as time window.
      1. The first two fields are earliest date and time to deliver. The vehicles can not deliver earlier than this specified time.
      2. The second two fields are latest date and time to deliver. The vehicles can not deliver later than this specified time.
  5. After filling in the form of Order Details window, click "Update Order" button.
  6. The order will be updated in the Order List in Orders Tab of the Management Panel.

When an order is updated on the Order List, that is when the order is edited in the Order Set, it is not updated on the database of logvrp. In order to update the order on the database of logvrp, the Order Set must be saved after editing the order. After updating the order, the Order Set must be overwritten when saving.
The following operations update the Order Set:

  1. Adding a new order
  2. Updating an order
  3. Deleting an order

When the Order Set is updated via one of the above operations, the Order Set is not updated on the database of logvrp. To update the Order Set on the database of logvrp, the Order Set must be saved by overwrite option in save operation.