Unknown fleet and from-to-central location planning for Paasenger Freight Services
You can make optimum vehicle route planning via logvrp for "Unknown fleet and from-to-central
location planning for Passenger Freight Services" by applying following steps:
1. Stations need to be defined:
-Passengers or students should be added as a “Station”.
-The location of office, school, or working place of passengers or students that
will be delivered to, should be added as “Depot Station”.
You can use one of the following methods in order to define the stations:
- You can define stations manually. Click to the link to learn how to do: "to create stations manually".
- You can define stations by importing Excel/CSV file into the application. Click
on the link to learn how to do: "to import stations from an Excel/CSV file".
- If there are already saved station sets in logvrp, by loading them. Click on the
link to learn how to do: "to load station set".
If you have more stations than limits of logvrp or limits of user (optional)
The limit of station is 500.
You can read “Dividing
Stations Into Groups Geographically” for more than 500 stations.
2. Create common pick-up/delivery points from stations (optional)
Create common pick-up/delivery points from stations that is located close to each
other within a certain walking distance.
You can read “Creating common pick-up/delivery points from stations” to
group passengers in a single stop._5.png)
3. Orders need to be defined:
- From: The pick-up station of the passenger, personnel or student
should be selected, i.e. if a personnel will be taken from home, it should be personel's
home address. In other words, it is the source station for the passenger to be transported.
- To: The delivery station should be selected, i.e. if a personnel
should be delivered to workplace, it should be personnel's workplace address. In
other words, it is the destination station for the passenger to be transported.
- Load amount: How many passengers will be transported.
- Min,max pick-up and Min,max delivery time: Min pick-up and max
pick-up time that the person's will be picked-up from where the person's address
and Min delivery and max delivery time that the person's will be delivered to where
the person's address.
You can use one of two methods in order to define the orders:
- You can define orders manually by clicking on "Add Order" button. Click to the link
to learn how to do: "to create orders manually".
- You can define orders by importing Excel/CSV file into the application. Click on
the link to learn how to do: "to import orders from an Excel/CSV file".
- If there are already saved order sets in logvrp, by loading them. Click on the link
to learn how to do: "to load order set".
4. Vehicles need to be defined:
for "Unknown fleet and from-to-central location planning,
- You must create a reference vehicle in logvrp.
- Starting and stopping positions of this vehicle must be not defeined.
- It is useful to enter other details of the vehicle as a logical values, because
they will be used as a reference too.
You can define vehicles manually. Click to the link to learn how to do: "to create vehicles manually".
5.Optimization parameters and constraints need to be defined:
- Max Number of Routes:
- When "Computation" Tab is selected, under "Constraint" Tab, "Max Number of Routes"
can be set.
- At the end of Optimization "up to maximum number of routes" routes will be created.
- Max Route Duration:
- When "Computation" Tab is selected, under "Constraint" Tab, "Max Route Duration"
can be set. (d:h:m)
- At the end of the optimization, the duration of a route will no more than the specified
- If you don't want to enter any information, "0:0:0" must be determined.
- Max Stops Per Route:
- When "Computation" Tab is selected, under "Constraint" Tab, "Max Stops Per Route"
can be set.
- At the end of the optimization, bir rotada en fazla o kadar noktaya uğranacak şekilde
sonuçlar çıkacaktır.
- Max Distance Per Route:
- When "Computation" Tab is selected, under "Constraint" Tab, "Max Distance Per Route"
can be set.
- At the end of the optimization, bir rota en fazla belirtilen mesafe kadar uzun olacak
şekilde sonuçlar çıkacaktır.
- If you don't want to enter any information, "0" must be determined.
- Optimization Goal:
- When "Computation" Tab is selected, under "Optimization" Tab, "Vehicle Decision"
should be set as "Optimization Goal".
- logvrp, diğer ürünlerde olmayan üstün bir özelliğe daha sahiptir. Bu da birden fazla
optimizasyon yöntemi içermesidir. Bu yöntemler algoritma olarak adlandırılır. logvrp
birden fazla yöntemi aynı anda kullanarak alternatif rota optimizasyon sonuçları
If you do not want the results of an alternative route, just select one of the algorithms.
After all constraints and parameters are set, you should save them by clicking "Save"
6. Calculate Routes:
- Click "Calculate Routes" button.
- Optimum routes and fleet plan will be calculated and results will be displayed.
- You can see results of optimization on Map and under the "Results" Tab.
7. Analyzing and Using Results of Optimization:
- logvrp provides 2 alternate methods, "JDAM" and "ALNS" for route results. You can
see these two alternate route results by clicking on them.
- Route results first appear as polyline symbols on Map.
- If you want to see the route results with their real roads views, you should select
"Show Results as Roads" from "Result Map View", when result tab is selected.
- Route Results as a real road of view will be displayed as follows:
- Routes Summary is located on the Route List on the left.
- If you want analyze the routes, click every route's colorful title in the Route
- When you click any of the route's title in the route list, it will be displayed
with it's highligted colorful real road view on the Map.
- If you want to analyze route results more detailed, click "Show Detail View" button.
- Then, route results displayed as follows with their most detailed view:
- In detailed view of route results, each route step can be displayed on the Map by
clicking on them.
- When you click any route step in detailed view, Orders tab will be opened at the
upper link corner and you can see order details for each route step.
- You can obtain written documantation by exporting Excel file.
- You can export route results as GPS format if you want to upload or send this route
results to any GPS device.