Saving Stations and Station Set
Creating a new depot or a station does not save the created depot or station into
the database of logvrp. They are in an unsaved state, and just added to the map
and to the Station List in Stations Tab of Management Panel. If you refresh the
page, you will lose your unsaved depot and the stations.
The stations or depot can not be saved alone. The stations or depot are saved alltogether
as the "Station Set". So, there is no save station or depot operation.
To save a "Station Set", the following steps should be done:
- Check the stations and the depots.
- Click "Save" Button and write your station set.
- If the "Station Set" is a loaded one, then Save Data window will have 2 options:
- "Save Station Set (overwrite)"
- "Save Station Set As"
- If the Station Set is a newly created one, then Save Data window will have 1 option:
- "Save Station Set As"
- If the Station Set is a loaded one, and if you want current Station Set to be overwritten
(updated on database), then choose "Save Station Set (overwrite)" option.
- If the Station Set is a loaded one, but if you do not want the current Station Set
to be overwritten (updated on database), then choose "Save Station Set As" option
in order to save as a new Station Set.
- If "Save Station Set As" option is chosen, then a name for the Station Set should
be entered in the field.
- Click "Save" button in Save Data window to save the Station Set.
- If the save operation is successful, then a notice will appear as "Station Set Saved