The stations are listed in Station List in Stations Tab of the Management Panel
and also they are shown on the map with marker symbols. Deleting a station, removes
the station from the Station Set, removing it from the Station List and from the
map. Deleting a station does not delete the station from the database of logvrp.
In order to delete the station from the database of logvrp, the Station Set must
be saved after deleting the station.
To delete the station via the Delete button in the Station List grid, the following
steps must be done:
When a station is deleted from the Station List and also from the map, that is when the station is removed from the Station Set, it is not deleted from the database of logvrp. In order to delete the station from the database of logvrp, the Station Set must be saved after deleting the station. After deleting the station, the Station Set must be overwritten when saving.
Before reading this section, we strongly recommend that you read the The Concepts
section before.
There is an important notice which you should keep in mind. Deleting a Station Set,
deletes the following from the database of logvrp:
If you do not want to delete the Station Set from the database of logvrp, but just to remove it from the Stations Tab and from the map, then use Clear Stations or Clear All operations. Since clearing does not delete the data from the database of logvrp.
To delete a Station Set from the database of logvrp, the following must be done:
Note that, when you delete a Station Set that has a related Vehicle Set, when loading that Vehicle Set, the "Related Station Set" will be shown as "not found" in the Load Data window.