Changing Location of a Station or Depot

If the station or depot is located in a wrong geographic location in the map, the location of the station or depot can be changed. Changing the geographic coordinates is performed by moving the station or depot on the map.
To relocate the geographic location of the stations or depot on the map

  1. Bring the mouse over the station or depot to be relocated.
  2. The mouse cursor should change its shape and a tooltip should appear when the move operation is possible.
  3. Click left mouse button on the station or depot.
  4. While left mouse button is clicked, drag the mouse to move station to another geographic location on map.
  5. When the station or depot reaches the right geographic location, release the left mouse button.

Note that, the Distance Matrix is automatically re-calculated. As the geographic position of the station or depot changes, the distances between stations also change.
Changing Location of a Station or Depot does not update the geographic coordinates of the station or depot on the database of logvrp. It just updates on the Station List, Distance Matrix and on the map. In order to reflect the change of location and to update the geographic coordinates of the station or depot on database of logvrp, the Station Set must be saved. After changing the geographic location of the station or depot, the Station Set must be overwritten when saving.